BVC Projects

BVC is supporting the University System of Georgia’s (USG) Complete College Georgia Initiative and Momentum Approach by coordinating the scale of High Impact Practices across all 26 USG institutions. High Impact Practices are evidence-based approaches to engaging students in deep, experiential learning opportunities that support student success.
In addition, BVC is contributing to the development of a statistics pathway that includes a gateway statistics course as part of USG’s general education quantitative skills requirement as well as an entry-level data science course as part of the system’s science, math and technology requirements. The courses will be included in a new general education curriculum that is being currently being developed by USG.

BVC provides technical assistance to colleges and universities that seek to implement and scale corequisite support, math pathways and other evidence-based college completion strategies through the Strong Start to Finish (SSTF) solution network.
BVC and HCM Strategists are coordinating a project to establish quality standards for the design and delivery of technical assistance the will be deployed through the SSTF network.
In addition, BVC is drafting a paper showcasing the results of the University System of Georgia’s scale of corequisite support in math and English.

BVC drafted a $4 million dollar grant to the Arnold Ventures fund to replicate the CUNY ASAP model on two WVCTCS campuses. The project will extend the model to applied associates degrees and certificates that are aligned to specific high demand professions. The project includes a randomized controlled trial study to measure the impact of the ASAP model on workforce outcomes.
BVC is collaborating with WVCTCS, Blue Ridge Community Technical College, West Virginia University – Parkersburg and CUNY to manage the project.
BVC is supporting the Charles A. Dana Center’s Launch Years Initiative. Launch Years brings together leaders, experts, and advocates from K–12, higher education, business and industry to codify and support the scaling of efforts to build math pathways from high school through higher education and into the workplace.
BVC is also contributing to the development of a corequisite mathematics toolkit that states, system and institutions can utilize to design, implement and scale corequisite mathematics courses that have proven to dramatically increase gateway math course completion rates for new entering students.

BVC worked with the Postsecondary National Policy Institute to conduct an organization-wide 360 evaluation. The evaluation surveyed and interviewed former participants, presenters and organizational partners to assess the value and impact of its current programming and identify opportunities for growth. The final report presented findings from the survey and interviews and also included recommendations on areas of programming worthy of expansion, areas that could be modified and opportunities to address needs that are not currently being met in the field.

BVC worked with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education on the design of their Momentum Year strategy, which is encouraging institutions to implement and scale corequisite support, math pathways, 15 to Finish, Academic Focus Areas, Degree Maps and Proactive Advising for students.
BVC is supporting the alignment of gateway math courses to programs of study and coordinating a set of webinars for campuses on the various Momentum Year strategies.